Lazy loading via attribute for images & iframes External Link

The loading attribute on images & iframes gives authors control over when the browser should start loading the resource.






Safari iOS

Opera Mini

Chrome Android

Android Browser

Samsung Internet

6 0.00%
127 0.02%
130 0.01%
128 0.16%
17.5 0.13%
17.5 0.46%
4 0.00%
22 0.03%
7 0.00%
128 0.02%
131 0.01%
129 0.14%
17.6 0.39%
17.7 1.59%
4.1 0.00%
23 0.03%
8 0.00%
129 0.02%
132 0.02%
130 0.38%
18.0 0.07%
18.0 0.49%
4.3 0.00%
24 0.04%
9 0.03%
130 0.07%
133 0.5%
131 12.79%
18.1 0.94%
18.1 6.53%
4.4 0.00%
25 0.04%
10 0.00%
131 2.88%
134 1.03%
132 3.25%
18.2 0.42%
18.2 2.2%
4.4.4 0.00%
26 0.11%
11 0.37%
132 1.62%
135 0.01%
133 0.01%
18.3 0.03%
18.3 0.19%
all 0.04%
132 46.19%
132 0.31%
27 1.91%
136 0.00%
134 0.01%
18.4 0.00%
18.4 0.00%
137 0.00%
135 0.00%
TP 0.00%
138 0.00%
136 0.00%
Globals: 94.1% + 1.91% = 96.01%
Partial Support